Ernesto W. De Luca: "Personalization and context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommender Systems"

Ponente: Ernesto W. De Luca (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Germany)

Fecha: 9-13 julio de 2012, de 16h00 a 19h00

Lugar de celebración: Sala de Grados, Facultad de Educación, UNED (mapa)


Context-aware information is widely available in various ways such as interaction patterns, location, devices, annotations, query suggestions and user profiles and is becoming more and more important for enhancing retrieval performance and recommendation results. At the moment, the main issue to cope with is not only recommending or retrieving the most relevant items and content, but defining them ad hoc. Further relevant issues are personalizing and adapting the information and the way it is displayed to the user’s current situation (device, location) and interests.

In this course I will present and discuss how personalization and contextual information can be integrated in retrieval and recommendation systems. Two main issues are recognized: a general content context and a user-centric content context. A general content context is a common case defined by time, weather, location and many similar other aspects. A user-centric content context is given by the content of user profiles such as language, interests, devices used for interaction, etc. The inclusion of these two contexts in information systems can help in delivering better structured results that can be personalized and better match the user needs and expectation. Results of suchintegration will be shown and discussed.



Ernesto W. De Luca is a Guest Professor in Information Retrieval and Information Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences Potsdam. His main research interests focus on personalizaction and recommendation for Information Retrieval, Multilingual Information Access, and multilingual lexical resources and corpora.


Lugar de celebración

Sala de Grados
Facultad de Educación, UNED
c/ Juan del Rosal, 14
Ciudad Universitaria
28040 Madrid

Horarios y salas

lunes 9 - viernes 13 de julio, 16h00 - 19h00, Sala de Grados, Facultad de Educacuón, UNED



Programa del curso.




This advanced training activity is organized by the LSI Department at the ETSI Informática, UNED University. Both training and tutoring activities are offered under the PhD program on “Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems” that holds the Excellence Mention (MEE2011-0235, 2012-2014) reached after a competitive process at the Spanish Ministry of Education.

Attendance certificate will be delivered by request when more than 80% of the attendances control fulfilled.


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